Southeast Face 5.4

  • Currently 4.0/5

Mt. Emerson

High Sierra, California USA

Trip Report
Mt Emerson -- Alpine fun
Tuesday August 25, 2015 8:59pm
I love alpine, for me there is nothing better. I love the long days, the sketchy downclimbs, route finding, using my brain, and exhausting my body. I have been working my way through Sierra peaks this summer, Mt Emerson makes my 12th peak this year, and my 5th technical peak. As an added bonus, this was the first time I have climbed something in a Supertopo book that was not swarming with people! We actually had the mountain to ourselves.

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Mt Emerson. Just lovely
Mt Emerson. Just lovely
Credit: Nanobody
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The hardest part about alpine is finding the right partner. The young bloods I have met at the gym can climb strong, but seem to lack the endurance, enthusiam and time to climb in the High Sierras. Luckily I recently met a fellow via. Mountainproject who just moved to the Central Valley, who is itching for some challenges.
Last weekend we climbed Crystal Crag, and with that success we headed to Bishop this past weekend to climb the Southeastface of Mt Emerson

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Southeast face of Mt Emerson ahead!
Southeast face of Mt Emerson ahead!
Credit: Nanobody
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We roped up and climbed through the crux, I lead a second pitch, before we unroped and began around 1500' of 3rd and 4th class scrambling

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Gully scrambling
Gully scrambling
Credit: Nanobody
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3rd class slabs
3rd class slabs
Credit: Nanobody
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We reached the summit ridge where the real fun began. This really was the highlight of the climb. We came to a short section of knife edge, my testicles decreased in size by 70%, so we roped up again, and I lead through the section. Its amazing how being attached to a rope increases confidence!

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Rope = courage
Rope = courage
Credit: Nanobody
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Not long after, we were relaxing on the summit

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Summit success!
Summit success!
Credit: Nanobody
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Then the long descent. A couple thousand feet of loose class 3 scree and sand. Not exactly pleasant

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Endless scree
Endless scree
Credit: Nanobody
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Overall, a fantastic climb. I can't wait to make it back into the mountains. If only the smoke from the Rough fire would clear a bit!

  Trip Report Views: 4,897
About the Author
Nanobody is a wussy, spaghetti armed climber from Fresno, CA.


Social climber
  Aug 25, 2015 - 09:01pm PT

Oakland, CA
  Aug 25, 2015 - 09:05pm PT
Nice! Having a mountain all to oneself, a gift.
Larry Nelson

Social climber
  Aug 25, 2015 - 09:22pm PT
Fun time

Trad climber
Fresno CA
  Aug 25, 2015 - 09:23pm PT
Well done. Sounds like a perfect summer to me. Thanks for sharing.

ß Î Ø T Ç H

Boulder climber
  Aug 25, 2015 - 09:52pm PT

Trad climber
Can't get here from there
  Aug 25, 2015 - 10:56pm PT
Sweet day on the mountain.

It doesn't get any better than a day like that.
Ezra Ellis

Trad climber
North wet, and Da souf
  Aug 26, 2015 - 04:37am PT
Nice job! Thanks!

Social climber
  Aug 26, 2015 - 07:26am PT
Looks like a good time to me. THanks for posting!

The Good Places
  Aug 31, 2015 - 09:09pm PT
What. A. Blast.


And yeah,

The hardest part about alpine is finding the right partner

Right tool for the task and all, heh.
Mt. Emerson - Southeast Face 5.4 - High Sierra, California USA. Click to Enlarge
Overview of Mount Emerson, Mount Humphreys and Basin Mountain.
Photo: Luke Lydiard