Trip Report
Lotus Flower Tower 2016
Tuesday April 4, 2017 4:35pm
About the Author jaddles is a british trad climber living in vancouver. |
read the whole thing... super cool that you didn't give up after getting so close the first go round... thanks for taking the time to write it up.
Social climber
Way to stick out to the end! And thanks for all the details.
Trad climber
mt. hood /baja
One of the better TR's ever ! Thank you for taking the time
to put that together. On the list and that is nectar.
Todd Eastman
Social climber
Putney, VT
Wonderful tale, thanks for the inspiration!
Thanks for the great TR!
Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
norm larson
wilson, wyoming
Excellent TR. Thanks for posting it here and way to stick with it. Brought back memories of my trip there in 2000 or so. Too bad the lower half of the route isn't as good as the upper half, eh? Still what a peak! Has to be one of the most memorable lines anywhere.
So, what's next?
Nick Danger
Ice climber
Arvada, CO
What a wonderful story, thanks for posting up. Also, a tip o' the hat to your sticking it out. I'll bet the victory was actually sweeter because of your earlier defeat (not a defeat actually, just a different type of success, as you guys got yourselves out of that particular pickle).
Trad climber
Fresno/Clovis, ca
Fantastic adventure! What a great trip and a wonderful trip report. NEVER ascend a "stuck" rope again young lady!!!! That scene had me gripped. Glad that turned out not to be a tragedy and that yall stuck it out and got down safe that night.
Proud of your send! Thanks for sharing your adventure with us.
Mountain climber
Anchorage, AK
Great write up !!!!!
Trad climber
Fresno, CA
Climbing that has always been one of my dreams. Thanks for the very detailed, and very cool TR.
Big Wall climber
Jade is "Dream Stone", Thanks!
Oakland, CA
That was spectacular, thanks so much for sharing it.
Oh sh#t he shouted as I could just pick out him pulling on the grass to reach the rap. I later learned that just as he was pulling up and over to safe terrain the rope magically just slipped through the rap rings and became unstuck – holy f*#k!!
That is scary as hell.
Two questions please! What camera did you run here? The pics are amazing and I need to replace my own. And, which Marmot tent is that?
Mountain climber
the goat
Mazama, WA
One of the best TR's ever. Great work!
Gym climber
Minkler, CA
Life list! Thanks for giving us a tour!
Ezra Ellis
Trad climber
North wet, and Da souf
Absolutely friggin stellar, TR of the year!
World class Jade!
Thank you 👍🎶😎
Trad climber
There's a solid set of memories that will stick with you forever! Nice job persevering, and thanks for the pretty pics.
Trad climber
Author's Reply
Apr 5, 2017 - 03:22pm PT
Thanks for all the kind comments, it sure was an adventure never to be forgotten with lots of things to learn.
Tami - back at ya, it would be awesome to run into you someday!
Le_bruce - There were no 'Marmot' tents, just an MSR and a mountain hardware. The photos are a collection of all of our devices, a couple of i-phones, my cannon powershot G-12 and another newer quality compact that my climbing partner owned (I'm not sure the make and model sorry).
Trad climber
Punter, Little Rock
Grizzlyville, WY
Way cool. Thanks for sharing!
Clint Cummins
Trad climber
SF Bay area, CA
Cool trip report. Good persistence with the bad weather.
Thanks for sharing.
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