Trip Report
La Pyramide...Patagonia's Devils Tower on steroids.
Monday February 24, 2014 3:55pm
Yep, right there in the desert two hours drive from my house. Great venue when the weather over the ice cap is bad, a not uncommon event. Route potential up to 700 feet. So far there are around 22 or 23 pitches with four excellent multi pitch climbs in the 5.11a to 11d range and some nice single pitch climbs starting at 5.8+.
First developed by myself and fellow Americans Jay Smith, Jim Turner, Roger Schimmel and Weston Boyles, the area got a real boost this year from visiting Brits Dave Brown and John Crook who established three excellent new multi pitch routes up to 11d. I wasn't able to climb on the first trip due to a tweaked back muscle but got in some licks on the second foray with Dave, John and Angela a couple of days ago.
Two hours hiking brings you to basecamp at a good spring with only soaring condors and noisy guanacos to disturb your solitude. Not concerned about this TR leading to overcrowding as the area is far from the fleshpots of El Chalten and the Torres de Paine.
Future development likely to come from local Andres Bozollo who has likely developed a trained cadre of young climbers in Chile Chico.
Approx. three bolts have been placed for pro and there are a few bolted belays but the area is 99% place your own gear bro. Definetly bring wires.
Enjoy the following pics....climbing in undiscovered Patagonia. Have some other things going........which will remain enshrouded in mystery.

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Dave belaying, John sending.
Dave belaying, John sending.
Credit: donini
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Dave and John on a new 5.11 route.
Dave and John on a new 5.11 route.
Credit: donini
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The white speck in the center is some perspective.
The white speck in the center is some perspective.
Credit: donini
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local wildlife
local wildlife
Credit: donini
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Look closely for the condor.
Look closely for the condor.
Credit: donini
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Credit: donini
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Semi hanging belay.
Semi hanging belay.
Credit: donini
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Yes....the climbing is good.
Yes....the climbing is good.
Credit: donini
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John dressed for battle.
John dressed for battle.
Credit: donini
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John on 11d crux.
John on 11d crux.
Credit: donini
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Yours truly getting his licks in.
Yours truly getting his licks in.
Credit: donini
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Wanted to be sure you could see my pretty face.
Wanted to be sure you could see my pretty face.
Credit: donini
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Lots of unclimbed rock.
Lots of unclimbed rock.
Credit: donini
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Credit: donini
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Dave Brown hiking out.
Dave Brown hiking out.
Credit: donini
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  Trip Report Views: 12,778
About the Author
donini is a trad climber from Ouray, Colorado.


  Feb 24, 2014 - 04:08pm PT
Shazzam! That's a mind tripper to be sure. How stunning. TFPU.

But what's with the Spaceman suit? What's he going to do battle with a fire breathing dragon guarding the start of the route?
scuffy b

heading slowly NNW
  Feb 24, 2014 - 04:13pm PT
Wow, looks like an awesome place.

Social climber
somewhere that doesnt have anything over 90'
  Feb 24, 2014 - 04:14pm PT
wow, just wow!!! thanks for the eye candy.

Gym climber
sawatch choss
  Feb 24, 2014 - 04:22pm PT
I knew there had to be another one out there somewhere!

Um, what's up with Ziggy Stardust?
mike m

Trad climber
black hills
  Feb 24, 2014 - 04:26pm PT
Man, your killing me. Went to the tower last week but it is snowing at 10 degrees today. I would love to climb on that thing some day, but I wish the approach was a little shorter. Does allegiant fly there?

East Bay, Ca
  Feb 24, 2014 - 04:38pm PT
that's amazing photos! thanks for sharing.

Gym climber
Minkler, CA
  Feb 24, 2014 - 04:39pm PT
There are so many possible routes on that thing that I just got stressed looking at the pictures.

Social climber
Southern Arizona
  Feb 24, 2014 - 04:46pm PT
Wow. TFPU. Wow.

The Desert Oven
  Feb 24, 2014 - 04:49pm PT
Wow. Just WOW!

What is the rock quality like?

Trad climber
  Feb 24, 2014 - 05:09pm PT
Do I need my rack or just a dozen or so quickdraws?

Trad climber
Santa Cruz
  Feb 24, 2014 - 09:52pm PT
My oh my. Rather very nice!

this just in

Justin Ross from North Fork
  Feb 24, 2014 - 11:02pm PT
Damn that looks fun Donini. Great pics, you are the definition of a climber. Gracias.

Ice climber
  Feb 25, 2014 - 12:06am PT
Can i get more beta jim
Got dec and jan off and was thinking about goin to argentina

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
  Feb 25, 2014 - 08:47am PT
Wyde cracks?

Trad climber
The Circuit, Tonasket WA
  Feb 25, 2014 - 09:10am PT
Your a very lucky man, Mr Donini!

4 Corners Area
  Feb 25, 2014 - 09:16am PT
Nice crag!
So, what elevation is it?
Bad Climber

Trad climber
The Lawless Border Regions
  Feb 25, 2014 - 09:17am PT
Holy vert basalt, Batman! That rocks.

Thanks so much, Mr. Donini. What a treat. Nature is grand, ain't it?


Trad climber
Polebridge, Montana
  Feb 25, 2014 - 09:54am PT
That looks like Dolerite not Basalt. Sometimes known as Diabase. Similar but rougher and more friction. My guess anyway.

Jim where's that new helmut of yours?


Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Author's Reply  Feb 25, 2014 - 02:44pm PT
Probably right on the rock...excellent friction. Wasn't supposed to be a big climbing trip this year in Patagonia, left the helmet home.

  Feb 25, 2014 - 03:35pm PT
Wow! What a place! Thanks for sharing.


Trad climber
  Feb 25, 2014 - 04:20pm PT

Sport climber
  Feb 25, 2014 - 04:23pm PT
Rad rock, cool trad...
Ezra Ellis

Trad climber
North wet, and Da souf
  Feb 25, 2014 - 07:58pm PT
Good on ya Jim,
Way to keep getting after it!!!!
So much rock, so little time.

Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
  Feb 25, 2014 - 09:53pm PT

but that's a bit far for choss...

loose blocks, no?
adventurous one

Trad climber
Truckee Ca.
  Feb 25, 2014 - 09:54pm PT
Looks like an endless amount of fun lines on that thing! So nice to see climbing photos from Patagonia that do not look like they are freezing miserable, with a mushroom of ice brine on top :)
Jim Clipper

  Feb 25, 2014 - 10:06pm PT
!!! rad

  Feb 25, 2014 - 10:32pm PT
Wow! That looks amazing Jim.

I gotta make it up to your place and check that zone out some time soon.


Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Author's Reply  Feb 26, 2014 - 01:39pm PT
Anytime Mikey. Munge, loose

  Feb 26, 2014 - 01:47pm PT
Awesome. Looks like finding a nice, continuos line is the challenge. Probably because there's so many to choose from!
Captain...or Skully

Boise, ID
  Feb 26, 2014 - 02:59pm PT
Excellent TR, Jim. Looks like a cool locale.
It's not on fire, is it? ;-)
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
  Feb 26, 2014 - 04:35pm PT
Vitaliy M.

Mountain climber
San Francisco
  Feb 26, 2014 - 05:54pm PT
Looks awesome, glad you had a good trip!!! Hope to see you in Yosemite this spring!

Social climber
  Mar 5, 2014 - 02:59pm PT
I want to go...

Big Wall climber
santa cruz, ca
  Mar 5, 2014 - 03:13pm PT

Trad climber
Oaksterdam, CA
  Mar 5, 2014 - 03:22pm PT
anyone want to sponsor me down there?

Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
  Mar 5, 2014 - 03:42pm PT
sweet, no loose blocks. You guys bivi out, or in and out same day?


Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Author's Reply  Mar 10, 2014 - 05:41pm PT's 2 to 2.5 hours in to a sweet camp with a great spring. 35 minutes up to the wall from there. Could do an in/out but way better to go in for a few days.
Fat Dad

Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
  Mar 11, 2014 - 12:02am PT
Probably never get a chance to visit, but I get this great sense of wonder knowing that places like that are out there. Ain't life grand.

Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
  Mar 11, 2014 - 02:28am PT

Trad climber
The state of confusion
  Mar 11, 2014 - 09:53am PT

Like Briham, WOW!!!!

Trad climber
CA Central Coast
  Mar 11, 2014 - 10:49am PT

BBST to the max!!
Brian in SLC

Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
  Mar 11, 2014 - 12:10pm PT
Great TR, Jim!
Keith Leaman

Trad climber
  Mar 11, 2014 - 01:12pm PT
Utmost admiration for your exceptional contributions, Jim! Lichen the critter pix in your posts too. Wonder if there are local legends about bears clawing at the rock and carving the grooves on the Pyramid, as in Devils Tower. If my wife and I ever make it down there, I'll gladly help out with some hazard reduction at your place. :^)

Social climber
  Mar 11, 2014 - 05:13pm PT
hey there, say, donini.... wow, i can SEE the pics!!!
wow, again... great share!

and, well, as to THIS:

Yep, right there in the desert two hours drive from my house.
MORE great stuff!!! nothing like having a wonderful 'backyard' :)

  Mar 11, 2014 - 05:48pm PT
Mr. Donini, sir, that is one impressive chunk of rock. Thank you for showing us.
Bill Thompson

Ice climber
  Mar 11, 2014 - 07:36pm PT
Beautiful! Gotta make those plans

Social climber
Lida Junction
  Mar 12, 2014 - 10:32am PT

Trad climber
  Mar 16, 2014 - 06:07pm PT
Looks like a beautiful formation. Thanks for sharing Jim and congrats on finding such a gem.

Am I wrong to think that it is located just west of the road that heads south from Chile Chico towards the entrance of Reserva Nacional Lago Jeinimeni? I recall seeing some impressive formations west of that road. If you would rather keep the location a secret that is quite understandable too.

mark miller

Social climber
  Mar 16, 2014 - 06:24pm PT
Frickin incredible....Taller then Devils tower or any other CA basalt Formations. Jim are you sure you want us unworthy brethren to even know about this crag. As history has shown the more folks going there the place goes to Shite. I remember the joy of climbing at the leap in the 70's....That's gone.

  Mar 16, 2014 - 08:06pm PT
Bump just to add to the chorus of "wow"s. Amazing clean looking summit, too; all those polygons. Could just as well be rhyolite or andesite, the composition doesn't matter, it's all in how fast it cooled. Any pics from up there?

Trad climber
mt. hood /baja
  Mar 16, 2014 - 10:15pm PT
That is porn..... I envy you Jim.
Larry Nelson

Social climber
  Mar 17, 2014 - 05:52pm PT
Great photos of a beautiful country.
Took a road trip, South of Coyaique, 8 years ago with a buddy, his Brazilian wife and a friend of hers. We had no climbing gear, but my buddy and I drooled for two weeks over the possibilities.

BTW: That friend of mine and his wife, who I traveled with, have a B&B in Buzios, outside of Rio de Janeiro. They hosted a friend of yours and his Brazilian wife when I was there in November and December. Great people. He's a commercial pilot, flies to South America out of Miami and has a place in Ourey. He showed us some photos of climbing with you near Moab.
(Jeeze, I feel like a twelve year old talking to Mickey Mantle in Yankee Stadium.)

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Author's Reply  Mar 18, 2014 - 09:50am PT's clearly visible from Chile Chico and is just west of the road heading into the reserve. Mark, not worried about too much traffic, more concerned about too little...needs development.
I hope the locals get after it.

Trad climber
  Mar 18, 2014 - 12:18pm PT
Thanks Jim!

I agree with you that traffic, in such a remote locale, won't be an issue. More development will undoubtedly help the local climbers too. There is a good crew of young climbers in the town of Perito Moreno, about one hour and a half east, on the Argentine side. They will be psyched to hear about this spot you discovered.

Thanks again for sharing.

Gym climber
Small Town with a Big Back Yard
  May 10, 2014 - 09:58pm PT
Bump for an "all Donini" front page.

Make it happen.
Larry Nelson

Social climber
  Jun 1, 2016 - 07:31am PT
Love this TR
Stewart Johnson

Gym climber
top lake
  Jun 1, 2016 - 08:27am PT
Impressive as usual.

Social climber
  Jun 1, 2016 - 08:40am PT
What a nice area. Dolerite with columnar jointing. Excellent!

Grey Matter
  Jun 1, 2016 - 05:43pm PT
"That is porn..... I envy you Jim. "

Agreed, the pics prove
"I know it when I see it."

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
  Jun 1, 2016 - 06:00pm PT
Let's go, Manny! that you have time off😎

Mountain climber
  Jun 2, 2016 - 09:41am PT
Wow, Option Paralysis. ( That's a great name for a route. ). Are you sure Beckey hasn't already been right up the middle? I'm simply a jealous GAPER. Can someone tell me what the baked-potato suit is all about? Damn, now I'm hungry!

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Author's Reply  Jun 2, 2016 - 09:42am PT
I'm sure Becky hasn't been there....not an aid pin in sight.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
  Jun 2, 2016 - 09:47am PT
You've seen moose drool; how 'bout some mouse drool?

With a kisser like yours, Jim, you should be in GQ.
the Fet

  Jun 2, 2016 - 09:52am PT
Thanks for the bump. I hadn't seen this. Phenomenal.