Northwest Buttress 5.5

  • Currently 4.0/5

Tenaya Peak

Tuolumne Meadows, California USA

Trip Report
Hey Ladies on Tenaya Peak! Did Yall Get Stormed On?
Monday August 13, 2012 8:27pm
We met some nice gals at the parking lot before heading up onto Tenaya Peak on Saturday. Andrea and Allison maybe? From Ventura/North Carolina? Not sure. We hiked up to the base together. They were stoked but moving a bit slow. We made it to the top just as a storm cell moved into the area. It cleared up, but I hope they got up and down safe.

Anybody know these chicas? Hope they had a blast. It was a great day out.

Left Fresno at 10pm. In The Meadows by 1:05am.
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Credit: micronut
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Is there any better place to bivy than by the river in the company of good friends.
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Credit: micronut
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This sunrise will make your bloodpressure go down by 20 points immediately
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Credit: micronut
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Cruisin. My Buddy Jason hadn't been climbing in fifteen years. Welcome back bud.
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Credit: micronut
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Credit: micronut
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Last Pitch of Fourth Class. Great exposure. Feelin' kinda alpiney
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Credit: micronut
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Credit: micronut
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Storm comin! Gotta Run! No time for Summit nap. Boom goes the dynamite!
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Credit: micronut
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Really? We didn't pack shells? How long have we been doin' this? Aw man, we're gonna get lit up. And wet!
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Credit: micronut
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Yup. We got wet. Up to our ankles that is.

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Credit: micronut
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Stellar day in the hills. Home by dinner time. One tank of gas. See you in a couple weeks Matthes Crest.

  Trip Report Views: 4,893
About the Author
micronut is a trad climber from fresno, ca.


Trad climber
Fresno/Clovis, ca
Author's Reply  Aug 14, 2012 - 01:15pm PT
Actually, It may have been Amanda and Allison. Not Angela and Allison. Anyways, hope they got full value and made the summit without getting too much epic.

Social climber
London, Paris, WV & CA
  Aug 14, 2012 - 01:24pm PT
Great photos ! Love Toulumne. Hope your friends are OK.

Chris Brent

Trad climber
San Francisco
  Aug 14, 2012 - 01:28pm PT
Hey, we were up there Saturday and Sunday you should have said hello... We climbed Zee Tree on Saturday morning and hung out on the beach waiting for our friends climbing Tenaya, so I'm sure you saw us :) Sunday was almost a repeat of Saturday weather wise. We climbed Tenaya Sunday morning and got down just as the rain started.

Oakland, CA
  Aug 14, 2012 - 02:05pm PT
Sweet! I need to get up on that route again, haven't fit it in this season yet. Over the years I guess it has become my favorite climb to repeat.

Social climber
Lida Junction
  Aug 14, 2012 - 02:39pm PT
that pic "last pitch of the fourth class" is fantastic.

Trad climber
Fresno CA
  Aug 14, 2012 - 02:40pm PT
As always, I love your trip reports. When we first climbed that route in 1977, no one we knew had done it. We had no idea how long it would take, so we started very early, fearing we'd be caught in a thunderstorm. It rained just about the time we finally put on a rope, but we were up the route and back in camp in the Meadows well before noon.

I think the reward/effort ratio of this climb is about as good as it gets.


Trad climber
Fresno/Clovis, ca
Author's Reply  Aug 14, 2012 - 03:08pm PT
Its not amazing that the route is loved by so many people. Yeah, the climbing is easy, but I love long pretty easy climbs. And what a position. The hours just float by with the clouds......gazing down at the tourists and sunbathers, the smell of the high country in your doesn't get any better.

Sounds like your experience back in the day is the same we've all shared. Racing the storm, blue skies afterward.

Bad Acronym

Little Death Hollow
  Aug 14, 2012 - 04:09pm PT
Cool photos. I was up there Thursday and did the hand crack finish this time. More like a Pinnacles hand crack: mossy and lumpy. Staying low on 4th class to the left is definitely the better option (just way more fun given the position).

Trad climber
Fresno CA
  Aug 14, 2012 - 04:58pm PT
I've done both the left side (steep fourth class) and hand crack finish, among others. I think the hand crack is my least favorite way. In truth, though, there are so many variations over most of the route that you can wander all over.

Vitaliy M.

Mountain climber
San Francisco
  Aug 24, 2012 - 03:52pm PT
Love the camera tilt photos! The '5.8' exit pitch would look epic.

Gym climber
Minkler, CA
  Aug 24, 2012 - 04:06pm PT
Living in Fresno sucks huh? :)

I hope "boom goes the dynamite" was referring to this:

If so, +1

Trad climber
Yacolt, WA
  Aug 24, 2012 - 07:48pm PT
This lady still needs to get her hiney over to Tenaya. Last visit, it did not happen. Your photos are keeping it on my list.
Tenaya Peak - Northwest Buttress 5.5 - Tuolumne Meadows, California USA. Click to Enlarge
Photo: Greg Barnes