Trip Report
Evolution Traverse: How I Owe it All to an Apple
Tuesday August 30, 2011 1:46am
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.
 T. S. Eliot.
My obsession with Evolution Traverse began three years ago while leafing through Peter Croft’s The Good, The Great, and the Awesome. Listed by Peter as his favorite traverse, the eight mile line summits nine 13,000+ ft peaks with technical sections up to 5.9. To me it represented both the ultimate High Sierra prize and a seemingly unattainable goal. As an added incentive, as far as I could tell, no woman had finished it.
In September 2010, plagued with reaggravated hip adductor tendonitis from my recent move to Bishop, I made a half-assed solo recon attempt at the traverse with Jascha monitoring my progress via radio from Evolution Basin. That combined with the fact I had fallen while soloing Matthes the weekend before (fortunately only ~7 feet and onto a gently sloping slab) pretty much sealed my fate. I was forced to bail before the Mendel summit. It was an eye opener; I had spent 10+ years climbing alpine rock in the Sierra but something of this magnitude was a whole different beast. I knew I had a lot of work ahead of me if I wanted to give this a real go.
Over the next year I focused on becoming a stronger and faster trad climber and made an attempt to keep my chronic tendonitis in check. I decided that I wanted to do the traverse on my own so I needed to be competent at soloing 5.9 while weighted down with bivy gear; a one day attempt was out of the question for me. With the endless sloggy snow conditions this year I resorted to things like soloing laps on Temple Crag. At the end of July Mike and I did Sun Ribbon (Temple Crag) /Galey/Sill car-to-car, roping up only for 25m on the crux section. Peter told me if I could do that link-up I could do Evolution; that was the vote of confidence I needed. Mike came with me to do a final recon, a preview of the chimney section between Darwin and 13,332, on which I stashed a bivy sack and pad on the ridge.
On 11 August I hiked in with enough time to spend a full day acclimatizing at Darwin Benches. I hung out with Jori and Robin, two Bay Area somatic psychology students, who provided stimulating conversation and attempted to feed me to lighten their load for the rest of their Lamark Col/Piute Pass circuit trip. Mike arrived the second evening, planning to day trip the traverse. The record snowpack guaranteed we would find snow on the ridge to melt for water. On Em’s advice I planned to use a black MSR Dromedary bag attached to the outside of my pack to melt snow.
In the pre-dawn moonlight Mike set out an hour before me. The first peak, 13,360, went quickly. I took a different line than last year which eliminated some unnecessary elevation change. The first real obstacle, the golden headwall below the Mendel summit, proved to be less difficult than some had reported. I hauled my pack after reading reports of the crack being more like 5.9; it was not. After Mendel the picket fence section to Darwin provided a few 5.8 moves but overall fairly straight forward route finding.
It was at this point I realized that I had no interest in food and it was going to be a struggle to keep up my energy stores. I located the route we had found through the chimney section, mostly secure/easy down-climbing minus the first chossy section after the summit. I hit my bivy cache with plenty of daylight left, but given I wasn’t eating and I was having a hard time regulating my body temperature I didn’t feel comfortable soloing the next 5.9 section until after a night’s sleep. I choked down a small handful of almonds and listened to This American Life until I fell asleep.
In the morning I put on my climbing shoes and set out to finish the remaining 5.9 section to reach peak 13,332. Just before the summit I hit a 5.9 hand crack down-climb, which I rapped. I was amazed at how long that section took, but I knew the ridge from 13,332 to Haeckel was cruiser. The only unknown was whether I should drop down to the glacial tarn below Haeckel to refill my water. After some deliberation I decided against it to save time; the snow melt system would have to suffice.
After Haeckel I sat on the ridge to Wallace and contemplated my long path ahead; I was just over half way done. I had my first wave of doubt. I heard a woman’s voice, which I figured was just the usually choppy editing on Radiolab. Then I heard it again. It was Emma from Bishop, who I had met previously in the Gorge. She had summited Haeckel from Hungry Packer Lake and was now on the wrong side of the ridge for the descent. She asked what I was doing and when I told her she offered me assorted things from her pack. I finally said OK to an apple. That apple saved my ass. Along with that I was able to eat four mini Snickers, which gave me enough energy to motor all the way past Wallace, Fiske, and Warlow.
I reached the final steep section on Huxley just before sunset. I was starting to get cold again so I decided to do a second bivy. The temperatures dropped below freezing that night and I didn’t get much sleep. In the morning, clouded by lack of sleep, I stupidly cached my bivy gear (thinking I would return that way) and finished the final summit at 7:30am. I saw in the register that Mike had finished on schedule. I took a chute directly off the summit, cursing the fact I would have to gain the ridge again to retrieve my bivy gear. No matter, I was done, well almost done, minus the 20 mile hike out over Lamark Col. At least I could eat again now that I had dropped in elevation.
In retrospect it was great timing to be able to hike through Evolution Basin during the day. The traverse rises over breathtaking alpine meadows and lakes. The ten mile hike to Darwin Benches went much quicker than I expected and I loaded up on Korean curry ramen, tuna, and iced coffee to psych myself up for the hike out. The Col was a slog, but once I reached the top I knew I was home free. I got back to my car just as darkness fell. I realized when I got home I was so out of it I had shifted the dates by 2 days in the summit registers. C'est la vie.
more photos
Special thanks to the following folks for beta and moral support: Alan C, Vic L, Peter C, Mike C, Ben H, Jason L, Ian C-B, Tricia L, Matt S, Tai D, Em H, Todd T, Joe L, Lisa R, Wills Y, Jascha L, Sandra S, Janel C, Jessie M, Yoshiko and Jim M, and especially Emma
Trip Report Views: 18,039 |
noriko nakagawa
About the Author Michelle P (aka noriko nakagawa/fossana) is a trad climber from Bishop, CA. She leads a double life as a search/data architect at an internet company in LA. |
Trad climber
Golden, Co
Aug 30, 2011 - 01:47am PT
Awesome! Hopefully I'll be able to get on this route soon!
noriko nakagawa
Trad climber
sw utah
Author's Reply
Aug 30, 2011 - 02:05am PT
Thanks, Sonic! Hope you make it out there.
Vitaliy M.
Mountain climber
San Francisco
Aug 30, 2011 - 02:08am PT
Too cool! Great write up and photos. I am loading up on mini snickers bars for my next outing!
Trad climber
going big air to fakie
Aug 30, 2011 - 02:21am PT
Wow-inspiring, great job, that sounds hard-and looks beautiful!
Social climber
Aug 30, 2011 - 02:28am PT
Wow! Thanks for sharing!
Trad climber
vagabond movin on
Aug 30, 2011 - 02:34am PT
RAD! Thoroughly enjoyed this TR!
in the land of the blind
Aug 30, 2011 - 04:40am PT
Great TR. I am getting back into soloing more in the high sierra again, and this has re-motivated me and reminded me of something I was once very psyched to do and have started considering again. Thanks.
Soda Springs, CA
Aug 30, 2011 - 07:24am PT
Great Job!! and Congrats!
I Hope to do this soon...
Trad climber
LA LA Land
Aug 30, 2011 - 08:17am PT
Stellar accomplishment, and TR!
Trad climber
Aug 30, 2011 - 09:45am PT
Impressive. Well done and well-told! Thanks for sharing!
Spider Savage
Mountain climber
The shaggy fringe of Los Angeles
Aug 30, 2011 - 09:47am PT
Fossana, Nice work! Well done on living the dream. That route is a plum.
I hope you don't mind but I sent an email to Ira Glass suggesting he do a story on you for TAL. (I fondly refer to it at This American Freakshow). ;-P
Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
Aug 30, 2011 - 10:01am PT
Agree on tal :)
Nice job!
Trad climber
LA LA Land
Aug 30, 2011 - 10:02am PT
I'm sure, though, that Spider doesn't consider your story to be freak-ish; it'd be great material for TAL!
Grand Junction, Colorado
Aug 30, 2011 - 10:06am PT
Evolution Basin is one of the most BEAUTIFUL places on this planet!!
Trad climber
New Zealand
Aug 30, 2011 - 10:07am PT
Inspiring - thank you, and well done!
Trad climber
Fresno/Clovis, ca
Aug 30, 2011 - 10:49am PT
Proud send. Not just for the duration and technicality, but for the headspace required to be up there alone. May the memories of those days last you well into your olden days!
Mammoth Lakes, CA
Aug 30, 2011 - 11:04am PT
nice work out there. never ending fun huh?
Trad climber
Station Wagon, USA
Aug 30, 2011 - 11:16am PT
Most excellent and inspiring! You owe it all to your hard work, determination and great friends. The apple was there to just nudge you right along. :-)
Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Aug 30, 2011 - 11:20am PT
Very very cool. The Excellent adventure big day(s) out tour!!
Thanks so much for putting this TR together. I know how much work it is to get a decent TR put up, and yet so many people just let them slide away without even saying hi.
(Which of course gives them a bit more life.)
Well done. Another big goal accomplished!
Aug 30, 2011 - 11:47am PT
Good job Michelle. Proud! Enjoyed the pics.
Trad climber
Valles Marineris
Aug 30, 2011 - 11:57am PT
I loved the trip report. Nice job and congrats!
gonzo chemist
the east coast, for now.
Aug 30, 2011 - 12:28pm PT
Super inspiring!
noriko nakagawa
Trad climber
sw utah
Author's Reply
Aug 30, 2011 - 12:36pm PT
Thank you for your feedback. It was fun in a somewhat masochistic way.
This was the first time I've tried listening to NPR/PRI programs on a climb; it great for this sort of route. I almost forgot to mention my secret weapon, the Limits episode of Radiolab about how the central governor process tries to make you feel like you are spent before you have depleted your reserves. It was the perfect piece to keep me moving.
Trad climber
Lake Tahoe
Aug 30, 2011 - 12:44pm PT
Very cool.
Interesting link regarding the central governor, too.
Trad climber
Aug 30, 2011 - 12:45pm PT
congrats-- that's a big project.
nice trip report.
Mountain climber
Draperderr, by Bangerter, Utah
Aug 30, 2011 - 02:32pm PT
WOW! Great job & congratulations on achieving an epic goal Michelle!
Thanks for sharing some insight into one of your secret weapons for psychological stamina during these masochistic outings. I listen to a lot of NPR podcasts to get through the day at work but wasn't sure how they would do on a climb. Since I'm getting sick of the music on my I-Pod, I'll have to try out the podcasts on my longer days out. :-)
Mark Hudon
Trad climber
On the road.
Aug 30, 2011 - 02:35pm PT
Looks beautiful.
Trad climber
santa fe
Aug 30, 2011 - 02:43pm PT
That was awesome.
Trad climber
Aug 30, 2011 - 03:01pm PT
Beautiful climb among extraordinary beauty. Cool.
Kurt Ettinger
Trad climber
Martinez, CA
Aug 30, 2011 - 03:04pm PT
Excellent trip! I had an apple save my butt once as well. Gave me the energy to push on.
Ezra Ellis
Trad climber
North wet, and Da souf
Aug 30, 2011 - 03:15pm PT
World class, thanks for sharing, great pics!!!
Good thought writing!
Trad climber
Aug 30, 2011 - 03:29pm PT
Holy sh*t! That's very badass... Fantastic accomplishment!
Aug 30, 2011 - 04:54pm PT
Fantastic, thank you for the inspiration!
Trad climber
Hustle City
Aug 30, 2011 - 06:42pm PT
Social climber
Lida Junction
Aug 30, 2011 - 06:58pm PT
good for you. awesome job
noriko nakagawa
Trad climber
sw utah
Author's Reply
Aug 30, 2011 - 07:25pm PT
Thanks again! I feel very fortuante to have this amazing range in my backyard.
Way out there....
Aug 30, 2011 - 07:31pm PT
Great Job Michelle! I climbed with Mike the other day and he had mentioned this. You are f*#king hard core!
dee ee
Mountain climber
Of THIS World (Planet Earth)
Aug 30, 2011 - 07:49pm PT
Sport climber
Almost to Hollywood, Baby!
Aug 30, 2011 - 07:50pm PT
badass with a capital BAD and ASS
Mark Rodell
Trad climber
Aug 30, 2011 - 07:50pm PT
Very nice TR. As someone else said: solid.
Alpine Raven
Eugene, Oregon
Aug 30, 2011 - 08:00pm PT
Wonderful trip report Michelle. Mini snickers rock. Saved my ass many times. Loved your quote by TS Eliot. Thanks for the write up. I would love to do this sometime.
Mountain climber
Wilson, Wyoming
Aug 30, 2011 - 08:07pm PT
Great TR!!
My buddy Yo introduced me to Radiolab on our last EC trip. I'll check out the limits one.
Strong work on the ET!!
Trad climber
Top of the Mountain Mun
Aug 30, 2011 - 08:08pm PT
Inspired by this traverse, good job girl!
Trad climber
Aug 30, 2011 - 08:31pm PT
Michelle P (aka noriko nakagawa/fossana) is a trad climber from Bishop, CA. She leads a double life as a search/data architect at an internet company in LA.
And she is a BAD ASS MOFO!
Great TR.
Social climber
Ridgway, CO
Aug 30, 2011 - 09:01pm PT
Rock it!
Trad climber
Culver City, CA
Aug 30, 2011 - 09:02pm PT
Trad climber
Aug 30, 2011 - 11:36pm PT
Nice job, you just keep on climbing some great stuff, what an inspiration. Climbed with Mike last weekend, enjoyed hearing him talk about it...
Mighty Hiker
Outside the Asylum
Aug 30, 2011 - 11:42pm PT
Awesome! And presumably on something called the Evolution Traverse, with mountains named after Darwin, Huxley, etc, you'd be safe from evangelicals and Republicans and such.
Trad climber
Madison, WI
Aug 31, 2011 - 01:35am PT
woooooooohoooooo! nice job!
Mohawk Valley,Ca
Aug 31, 2011 - 12:17pm PT
Great write up and great job
Oakland, CA
Aug 31, 2011 - 02:32pm PT
Fantastic, thank you.
At the end of July Mike and I did Sun Ribbon (Temple Crag)/Galey/Sill car-to-car, roping up only for 25m on the crux section.
If you feel up to it, it'd be great to see this TR as well.
noriko nakagawa
Trad climber
sw utah
Author's Reply
Aug 31, 2011 - 02:56pm PT
Thanks so much for the positive feedback!
re: ...And presumably on something called the Evolution Traverse, with mountains named after Darwin, Huxley, etc, you'd be safe from evangelicals and Republicans and such. One can hope.
re: Temple/Galey/Sill TR
I realize it's not a TR, but I put a route description and photos here. If I can dredge up enough details will put a TR together.
em kn0t
Trad climber
isle of wyde
Aug 31, 2011 - 02:59pm PT
great TR and awesome achievement
love the opening quote in your TR ... you're a total inspiration.
noriko nakagawa
Trad climber
sw utah
Author's Reply
Sep 1, 2011 - 03:54pm PT
Em, thanks again for the tip on the Dromedary bag. You and Bruce (RIP) continue to inspire many of us.
Great job! Thanks for writing it up.
jim miltimore
Mountain climber
Enumclaw, WA
Great trip. Nice write up. Beautiful pictures. Quite an accomplishment.
Trad climber
Very cool read! Thanks for the post and congrats on the climb!
Trad climber
The Tilted World
So inspiring! Thanks for sharing!
Social climber
So Cal
Back to the front!
noriko nakagawa
Trad climber
sw utah
Author's Reply
Sep 5, 2011 - 11:40pm PT
thanks again, everyone!
Trad climber
Bishop, CA
Nice Work Michelle! (I think we've met briefly. At the least, our circles overlap) Funny thing, we followed you a few weeks later, and also listened to a TAL episode at one bivy. You sign in as SSQ?
Social climber
granada hills
BAMF! That's what I have to say about that. :)
(My daughter informs me that BAMF = Bad Ass Mother Fu**er!)
I really love it! Excellent!!!
Mudcat Spire
Love me some Radiolab. IIRC, the Limits episode features that nutbar from Serbia or somewheres who's riding in the Race Across America bike race. In which similar-minded psychopaths sleep an hour a day and just pedal until their neck gives out and they have to duct tape their helmet to their back to hold their head up.
Anyhoo, said Serbian army commando has his whole posse in the sag wagon and theyre bellowing marching hymns and the national anthem and whatnot. This is in West Virginia or something. Serbian bike dude starts hallucinating that he is being pursued by mujahideen fighters.
He thinks he's out of his mind, not sure. So he goes to the only guys he can trust, his army buddies in the van. Am I really being chased by mujahideen?
And his buddies start screaming: YES! They're after you! Go, go, go!
Lol, it's so wrong and so right.
(a really long bump I guess! nice TR!)
Social climber
hey there say, noriko... wow, thanks for the really nice trip report...
nice story... :)
noriko nakagawa
Trad climber
sw utah
Author's Reply
Sep 7, 2011 - 06:40pm PT
Thanks again all!
@Jed: I saw that you and Alex finished. Congrats! And yes, that's me (SSQ = Secret Squirrel).
@yo: The part about Jure Robic (RIP) is great. I just started watching the RAAM documentary, Bicycle Dreams, mentioned in the episode. Check it out if you get a chance. Also, you might also enjoy this study on hallucinations experienced at the Badwater ultramarathon.
Trad climber
Seattle, WA
Oct 20, 2011 - 11:41pm PT
This left me speechless and totally inspired. Thank you!
Mountain climber
Oct 21, 2011 - 10:23am PT
Great ! You are ready for the Palisades .
Social climber
Southern Arizona
Oct 21, 2011 - 10:32am PT
Excellent trip astra per aspera.
noriko nakagawa
Trad climber
sw utah
Author's Reply
Oct 23, 2011 - 08:11pm PT
Thanks for reading.
@JerryA: I wish it was that simple.
Trad climber
Mountain View
Feb 24, 2012 - 06:12pm PT
Bump for a great TR in the mountains!
Social climber
Truckee, CA
Feb 24, 2012 - 06:38pm PT
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Feb 24, 2012 - 06:54pm PT
Very nice, and well told! I want to do stuff like that!
Trad climber
Golden, Co
Bump for Fossana!
Amy Ness
May 20, 2012 - 09:22pm PT
You are a badass! I hope you make it back to the portal, I'd love to climb with a strong woman;)
Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
May 20, 2012 - 10:30pm PT
A belated but big congrats!!! I thoroughly enjoyed the E. Traverse, quite an alpine adventure.
Trad climber
May 22, 2012 - 09:56pm PT
well done!
Oakland, CA
May 23, 2012 - 12:56pm PT
Loved reading this just as much the second time.
Thanks for the MP page on Temple/Galey/Sill!
tahoe tom
Trad climber
camas wa and incline village nevada
May 23, 2012 - 08:35pm PT
noriko nakagawa
Trad climber
sw utah
Author's Reply
Jun 3, 2012 - 08:54pm PT
Many thanks. It was great meeting you, Amy.
Trad climber
Mountain View
Sep 26, 2012 - 03:22pm PT
End of summer bump!
Trad climber
100% Canadian
Nov 21, 2012 - 07:46pm PT
Beyond Impressive, again ...
Well Done Michelle
Oakland, CA
Re-read, bump
Trad climber
the Box
OMG Michelle/fossana!!! I've read your TRs and logs on SP over the years...
You've always been a great inspiration!! ...always remember that TR of you soloing on Temple Crag - One with the Moon (I think that was the first TRs of yours that I read; also the first TR of TC I read. It has embedded in my mind deeply all these years.) When asked if you had been hiking, "See that ridge in the middle. I just climbed it." I cannot help but imaging the shocking looks on their faces when hearing that...
So awesome!!!!! So badass!!!!! *^_^*
noriko nakagawa
Trad climber
sw utah
Author's Reply
Nov 13, 2013 - 11:09am PT
Thanks so much, Powder. Hope to run into you in the Sierra some time.
Social climber
Mar 12, 2014 - 05:07pm PT
Helping out that 10b4me guy...
One of my favorite TR's in this Forum. I think I've gone through it about 10 times now...
Trad climber
The fake McCoy from nevernever land.
Mar 19, 2015 - 06:54pm PT
Missed this until very recently. Damn! This was awesome and more than deserves some bumpage.
Trad climber
The Illuminati -- S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Division
Jun 10, 2015 - 11:33pm PT
Nice TR. I missed this when it was first posted.
Vitaliy M.
Mountain climber
San Francisco
Aug 18, 2017 - 11:12am PT
Have to bump this Tr, cuz it is da shiet!
Just livin' the dream
Aug 29, 2017 - 08:53pm PT
Excellent TR and stellar photos!
Snickers Fun Size bars: Breakfast of Champions!
Trad climber
Upland, CA
Dec 28, 2017 - 09:58am PT
Missed this first time around, but enjoyed it today.
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