Trip Report
Cruel Shoes, Split Pillar sing song jamboree!
Monday August 20, 2012 12:57pm
Apple C, Apple V'd from the Squamish Photos and Stories thread.

So yesterday... the plan was for Nathan and Luke to do Cruel Shoes - Grand Wall - Roman Chimneys. I dropped the two boys off at the parking lot and was gonna go pull on some pebble sized boulders. Luke and Nathan tried to convince me to be come with them, but I was like nawwwww. Then they started posing all tough guy like.
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Credit: Relic
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They convinced me eventually after showing that I could be all burly like them if I came. So off we went beginning on Apron Strings.
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Credit: Relic
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Luke piped up to lead the first pitch of Cruel Shoes.
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Credit: Relic
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This relegated me to BK (belay kasual)duties. Hmm, this picture looks familiar somehow...
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Credit: Relic
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That first pitch has a really thin tricky part. Luke styled it on lead and Nathan figured it out too. I totally gave up and took a wussy pendulum past the crux.
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Nathan figuring out the pitch 3 crux
Nathan figuring out the pitch 3 crux
Credit: Relic
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Nathan lead the traverse pitch which has a bit of a surprise ending on it. I was initially belaying him but had to pass off the belay duties to Luke so I could do some uhhh, well nevermind. Nathan took a whip just before the belay, ratttts! I used some crazy foot dyno thru the crux, climbing higher than either Luke or Nathan went. Nathan was impressed with my top rope tough guy skills. Luke just decided to climb it smartly with no trickery needed all casual like.
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Credit: Relic
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Luke led the overlappy corners pitch with dignity, taking us to the start of the 5.9 casual pitch, casual as in hardly any friggin pro. Nathan started up across to the very committing start of it, looked up and came back to the belay. "No way!" he said, "that's friggin scary!"
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Credit: Relic
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There was a bolt a ways up there, which must be relatively new. I only ever remember some old piton bashed into the top of a ledge. To get to it, you got to do some sketchy moves, but Nathan channeled his inner tough guy and manned up to do it. There was 2 bolts and 2 small alien placements on the pitch.
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Credit: Relic
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Luke led the last Cruel Shoes pitch while I rested my tongue from singing too much on the climb.
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Credit: Relic
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Credit: Relic
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Luke had some unfinished business to take care of with the Pillar so he set out up it.
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Credit: Relic
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I started feeling super lame and tired on the Pillar but got up it fine. Man o' man, gone are the olde days when I had this thing on lock down easy mode. So sad, it made me wanna go home and curl up on my couch with some cold bevies. I pleaded with the boys to abort mission.
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I want my mommy!
I want my mommy!
Credit: Relic
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Lukes like say whaa? Hmmmm...
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Credit: Relic
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So then the three amigos decided due to sucky suck whiney Relic, we would call it a day. 3 man Cruel Shoes, Split Pillar it is.
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Credit: Relic
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So we went back to Luke's place for some refreshments and a little gibber jabber on the couch.
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Credit: Relic
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Ok, this is where thing got a little weird. Somehow we came up with the idea to go on a special attire ascent of the Apron. I think we may have been a little too refreshed.
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Luke flapping his arms like a birdy and Nathan looking all manly in hi...
Luke flapping his arms like a birdy and Nathan looking all manly in his woman's hat
Credit: Relic
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But not to worry, the boys made it up Rambles and Banana Peel lickity split and returned back safely...
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Credit: Relic
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  Trip Report Views: 2,178
About the Author
Relic is a has been climber from Vancouver, BC. who cries for his mummy on long routes.


The Granite State.
  Aug 20, 2012 - 12:59pm PT
Holy Spandex!!!

Trad climber
Yacolt, WA
  Aug 20, 2012 - 01:11pm PT
What a fine trip!
Mighty Hiker

Outside the Asylum
  Aug 20, 2012 - 01:34pm PT
OK, where's the sing-song video? Not that it will necessarily make up for the lycra fashion faux pas.
Ezra Ellis

Trad climber
North wet, and Da souf
  Aug 20, 2012 - 05:52pm PT
Looks like a great time!
Love the stripped Spandex, very 80s....;)
Mike Bolte

Trad climber
Planet Earth
  Aug 20, 2012 - 06:28pm PT
what can any of us say? This was a, umm, ahh, extra special TR! Nice! The trick on Cruel Shoes is to do some all-limbs-off dynos now and then to get past those thin sections.

Trad climber
moab UT
  Aug 20, 2012 - 10:50pm PT
Tranvsestited do so so.

Gym climber
squamish, b.c.
  Aug 29, 2012 - 11:13pm PT
Bump so every one can see how special we are!

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
  Aug 29, 2012 - 11:29pm PT
Yo....the Grand Wall the way it should be done!

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
  Aug 29, 2012 - 11:36pm PT
And Rambles in the style IT asks for.

Gym climber
squamish, b.c.
  Aug 29, 2012 - 11:42pm PT
We didnt make it up ALL the grand that day Don....

BUUUTTT NAte and I wend back friday night after work and raced up Apron Strings to Mercy Me into the grand in a brisk 3 hour push.


A long way from where I started
  Aug 30, 2012 - 12:55am PT
NAte and I wend back friday night after work and raced up Apron Strings to Mercy Me into the grand in a brisk 3 hour push.

Nobody here cares what route you climbed or how fast you climbed it. What matters is what you were wearing!

We need pictures.