It's fun to get out.
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And to meet people.
A kind-hearted generous soul met in Camp 4
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Steve was born in Bulgaria and moved to Florida and then to Vancouver.
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A story from Steve.
His mother had open-heart surgery in Florida to fix an aortic valve.
In the time that followed the operation, Steve felt the need to express his thanks to the surgeon.
His mother still lives in Florida but Steve was in Vancouver.
He spent months thinking about whether he should contact the surgeon and how to do that and what he wanted to say.
His mother had been 64 and fit and active and at first had refused the operation. Steve says that the surgeon spent 6 months patiently and gently convincing his mother of the need for the procedure.
Finally, Steve took time off from work to compose a letter. He e-mailed it to the surgeon.
(Listening to his story today I was remembering my own time passing instruments in the OR. I thought of surgeons as often having a good sense of humor, but busy people who do the same procedures over and over and as long as nothing goes wrong don’t take much interest in any particular case.)
Steve said that 20 minutes after sending the letter to the surgeon he got a reply.
The doctor was in Vancouver with his family for a visit and was grateful for the thank-you and would like to meet Steve. Steve got to meet the surgeon and his family and say thank-you in person.
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