Looks like Plum Line...a bit smaller though
We then came across an interesting squeeze traverse tunnel. I got stuck and had to back out, but Pat got through
The Breather
Exploring this section of the Boulder Batholith is interesting. Alot of the hillside is made up of a jumbled stack of fins and boulders. They form corridors, rooms, holes and passages...one grouping formed an unusual space, and we returned with ropes to investigate.
Chapiteau (.11b)
It starts steep and bouldery, but after a couple moves you can manage to stem...
Now at the top of the A-frame, you could pop out the top, or make the voyage across the apex...which is what we came for...

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Though Pat didn't get it on this sequence(onsight go), he got it next go...quite the sit up at the end...Nice send bro!
Another shot for perspective...
We then gave it goes, clipping through the gear...I got spit midway out the roof, though no pictures were taken...here some of Hutch and Ron

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Hutch got spit, and then worked the the opposite side out, though making the turn would prove to be difficult, as Ron found out...
All in all, it was strange and fun!
We rounded out the day with a little exploring and a bit of bouldering...
Well...that's all for now, but I'm sure we'll be heading back soon.
Hope y'all are getting out and enjoying yourselves...