My first TR on Supertopo and my first climbing video. I hope you enjoy.!/video/video.php?v=581498909636
Our ticklist:
Traveler’s Buttress, Lover’s Leap
North Ridge, Mt. Conness
Phobos, Phobos/Deimos cliff
On the Lamb, Lamb Dome
Lucky Streaks, Fairview Dome
East Buttress, Mt. Whitney
Fishhook Arete, Mt. Russell
Sun Ribbon Arete, Temple Crag
And a couple of pictures...
We stopped at the Buttermilks as well and worked a couple boulders there. Here is me on the Ironman Traverese.!/video/video.php?v=581474249056
Also, we were the silly kids who lost a rope at the free parking at Lover’s Leap and some shoes at Mama Cat in Woodfords. If somebody has them, I would be forever indebted to you for their return. Thanks for watching!
(If facebook isn't the best thing to host videos on, let me know. YouTube is better quality but was taking forever.)