Kor-Ingalls, Castleton Tower 5.9


Desert Towers, Utah, USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
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1 - 2 of total 2 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
IC + Desert Tower Trip #2: Supercrack Buttress, Technicolor Wall, and Kor-Ingalls on Castleton Tower - Click for details
 IC + Desert Tower Trip #2: Supercrack Buttress, Technicolor Wall, and Kor-Ingalls on Castleton Tower
If you want a report with pictures, visit my website, since SuperTopo has deprecated displaying photos from off-site. Indian Creek Castleton Tower - Kor-Ingalls Route ...

by PellucidWombat
7,312 Mar 12, 2014 22
A Fine Effort - Click for details
 A Fine Effort
How do you measure achievements in climbing? Numbers are deceiving. Too little attention is paid to the quality of the effort involved. Coming essentially off the couch, I dec...

by Reeotch
3,952 Oct 19, 2013 35
1 - 2 of total 2 Trip Reports found