Mike Ousley cruising up the crux pitch. |
Ian Hetingbothan leading pitch 10, C2 F. |
Ian Hetingbothan leading tricky pitch 4, C2 F. |
Jugging the thin line we fixed the night before up the Kor roof pitch. |
South face of Washington Column. Dinner ledge is visible by the large bunch of trees to its side near the lower left edge of the face. Skull Queen goes straight up from there. |
Wes, sizing up the climb ahead. |
Pizza Factory, best pie in the world! |
Wes jugging up pitch 5. |
Looking down at pitch 8 belay. |
Dave starting the last pitch. |
While I attempt to free stuck ropes below, Wes maintains good cheer alone in the cold dark halfway up pitch 5. |
Shot for our sponsor. |
Pitch 9 ends up and right at the base of the light colored rock with the steep diagonal crack. Pitch 10 is the crux. Two sections of C2+ through some loose and expanding flakes. |
Dave just past the 1st tricky section of pitch 10. |
Wes enjoys the view of snow-trimmed Half Dome from Dinner Ledge as the sun rises. |
Voo-Doo Ballerina affixes us with her enchanting stare. |
Wes and Dave on the approach with their friend in need, the Voo-Doo Ballerina. |
Pitch 7, wide and short. |
Dave leading pitch 6. |
Wes starting 1st pitch. |
Dave, at top of pitch 1, eager to link pitches 2&3. |
Pitch 9 ends up and right at the base of the light colored rock with the steep diagonal crack. Pitch 10 is the crux. Two sections of C2+ through some loose and expanding flakes. |