Trad climber
winter park, co
After you top out, go straight back to the hand size anchor at your feet and extend that for comfort out to the edge so you can spot your friend struggling with the frogs in the crack down low, HA!
Social climber
An Oil Field
If you are looking for a first 5.10 to lead, you won't find an easier route than this one.
Floyd Hayes
Trad climber
Hidden Valley Lake, CA
The lower portion of the route becomes shaded by mid-afternoon. The thin crux is about 10 feet long, fortunately lacks piton scars, and is well protected with small cams. The manzanita on the belay ledge was crawling with ants. I broiled in the sun on the belay ledge while my son cleaned, but afterward realized I could have scrambled 20' back toward the wall and belayed in the shade of a tree.
Trad climber
Great little climb. There are no bolts at the top only a manzanita bush for an anchor. Bring green, blue and yellow alien sized pieces for the crux.
if you have not climbed this route you should
most would say its not that cool becouse its short,
but you start by stepping over a little river and then end
up at devils bathtubs which is realy cool as well.
the climbing protects realy well and the whole thing
is ether perfect fingers, perfect laybacking or perfect hands.
climb it and be happy.
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