Trad climber
Washington DC
I believe when I did this route it was 5.9
Sir loin of leisure...
Trad climber
I'm from Idaho..bitch
it's a fine route....if your tears don't get the rock all wet...sheez..
Mountain climber
Draperderr, by Bangerter, Utah
Lower half is pretty tricky, but protects by sliding a #6 C4. Upper half protects by sliding a #5 C4, and you can leave some backup gear in the blocks inside the top of the pod just before the crux. I placed pieces a little too high and the slings got in the way of my legs on lead, so it is probably best placing a #3 or #4 C4 lower in the blocks instead. Save #4 C4 to protect the exit if you have one. You're not far above the #5 at this point, but the exit is a tad awkward and very easy to protect with the right piece.
The route gives you a great workout on your right arm and it is easy to get pushed cams stuck on both sections (doh!). Great for doing laps.
San Jose, CA
this route is felt way harder than 10a if you have med size fists ( small fists is even worse). been spanked on lead - later figured out on TR that calf locks with hand stacks is the ticket on crux section
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
I think this is a great OW problem to work, the crux is up high and if you don't have orangutan strength, arm span and natural ability you actually have to have good OW technique. I can't think of a better place to work on that...
here is scuffy b in the crux
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more beta here:
scuffy b
heading slowly NNW
Are you sure it's sarcasm that you're dishing?
Trad climber
San Hoser, CA
Does anyone on this site have a sarcasm detector that's in working order?
scuffy b
heading slowly NNW
That's a pretty harsh evaluation, for a climb you couldn't do.
Is "absolute dog shit" simply a synonym for "too hard?"
Trad climber
San Hoser, CA
What's the problem Rhodo, couldn't find a little kid to steal lunch money from? Can't find a puppy to kick?
Gym climber
sawatch choss
Translation: waaah.
Trad climber
San Hoser, CA
This climb lives up to its name... it's absolute dog sh*t. Total fvcking garbage. Set up a toprope and put someone you hate on the climb. Then sit back and get munched by mosquitoes while you belay.
Both sides of the crack flare, making foot stacks quite difficult. The armbars feel totally insecure. Thankfully, this climb isn't dead vertical... it's a bit slabby. Your only reprieve are a few knobs here and there to help your progress, should you even get close to them... they aren't exactly near the crack.
Just as MikeL promised, below, I got nowhere. The only way to progress on this climb, my partners told me, is to move a millimeter at a time. I was trying to inch up... I just don't get the metric system. Looks like I need to go back to OW school.
Social climber
Southern Arizona
Terrific workout. At the top (crux), you need long arms (longer than mine--I'm 5'8"). This climb will force you to learn technique--heel-toe, cambering feet, arm bars--otherwise you'll go nowhere. I got very frustrated at times. My wife thought that getting over the block midway up was the business; that's where she lost her feet on the climb; above that arm bars and double fists.
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