On aid, that Headwall section is C1. That's not sketchy pro, it's solid. With many free ascents since the first one 30 years ago, it doesn't seem like a protection bolt is justified there (or anywhere there's a C1 crack for pro). Just place pro at normal spacing of 5 or 10 m and don't fall! Enjoy!!
Trad climber
Munich, Germany
Hi, can the Hollow Flake be protected with Big Bro nr 4 and nr 5 ? Is it worth bringing them with me ? thanks.
Also thanks for the topos, very nice !
What do you guys use to protect the section on the Headwall from the midanchor to long ledge?
Maybe it's the lack of experience, proper gear, the combination of both or just really bad luck, but I recently took a 30m whipper there. When we rapped down another group said that last year some guy fell on the exact same place and knocked himself unconscious.
Since it is a traderoute nowadays, I think a bolt could help avoid such scheister situations. Just like there is a bolt just above the roof, similarly the crack has some sh#t protection there, but apparently that's where a lot of sketchy falls are logged.
This is just my two coins before you start shooting your dicpics and hate at me. I know very well what kind of reaction the words bolt, drilling and hammer can summon.
Ryan Tetz
Trad climber
Bishop, CA
Wow nice topo drawings.
Trad climber
barcelona, spain
Topo according our sub 24 hour ascension in june 2017. We free climb up to 5.10 d, aprox. Harder than this, we mixed free and aid climbing. Beside the gear recommended for the Freeblast, we used a nº 5 cam, a nº 6 cam, a second nº 4 cam, and a third nº 1" and 1.25" cam. Also a extra set of micro stoppers, a cam hook and a beak. The lasts are useful in the headwall.
Trad climber
barcelona, spain
Trad climber
barcelona, spain
Trad climber
barcelona, spain
Trad climber
barcelona, spain
page 2
Trad climber
barcelona, spain
Topo Pep Soldevila june 2017
Trad climber
Golden, Co
If bailing after the hollow flake, simply go straight down.
Do not reverse the hollow flake. You'll meet up with the heart route belays. All brand new bolts, with some stations having 3 bolts.
Gina E.
Trad climber
Here is a trip report from October, as well as some historical insight/pictures from the first continuous ascent of the route:
Trad climber
Northern California
Now on Google Maps:
Heart Ledges
Mammoth Terraces
Triangle Ledge (Pitch 6)
Mountain climber
I thought this was harder than the nose. Some of the aid was tricky. There is a fair amount of mandatory wide climbing.
The bivy on top of Hollow flake is great for 1. I would call it good for 2. You have a sandy slot that is about 9’ long that can fit 2 people if they don’t mind having legs sharing the middle.
I had a #6 Technical Friend and it worked great on a number of pitches (a #6 Camelot is a half inch smaller and would be less secure). I used it on pitches 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, & 34.
Even if you don’t climb harder than 5.9, wear your free climbing shoes on the Free Blast and pitches 11 – 16, 18, 20 – 22, 23 – 26, 32 – 35. Have knee pads on for pitches 14, 15, 18, 21, & 34
When you get to Long Ledge, haul from the middle of the ledge, not the left. Of course, clip the bolts on the right for your follower.
Pitch 35 the topo shows going fairly straight up. I went over to the left about 15’, then followed features in a rising traverse to the right until I was slightly right of the belay. Then I went straight up until I saw a tree to belay from.
Trad climber
Hi Supertopo!
I will be visiting the Valley with a crew next month to begin projecting to free the Salathe' and wanted to ask you good people about any tips or beta about rapping down from the lip to work the Head wall pitches.
Any and all comments are welcome and appreciated.
Trad climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Great archival footage or Allen Steck and Steve Roper talking about the 3rd ascent of the Salathe Wall.
Big Wall climber
Typewriters and Ledges
As of 2 weeks ago (Nov 3) the lines were in very good shape with only one knot to pass on the first line off the ground. Two lines fixed from Heart Ledges to Mammoth as well.
For what it's worth. I would assume as long as they're in good condition they'll remain and when they get sketchy enough, people will take them down in order to use their own ropes to rap the slabs. (as it currently stands, they are tied into the bottom links of the chains and so make it difficult at best to use your own ropes to rap.
Mark Hudon
Trad climber
On the road.
No one is "officially" responsible for the lines so they are there when they are there and not when they are not.
Vitaliy M.
Mountain climber
San Francisco
When do they take down the fixed lines that people use to get down from Freeblast?
Big Wall climber
El Portal, CA
Yes, you can rap Bermuda Dunes and yes that is what Jeff and Jack did. No, they did not really recommend it. Probably better to pendulum back onto the route. Some pitches are serious rope stretchers w 60 m ropes. I am sure they would not do that again.
Trad climber
Golden, Co
Go leave your rope up for us for the season. Someone told me it was your turn
Trad climber
Mammoth Lakes, CA
Any word about the fixed ropes from Heat Ledge?
Uncle D
Sport climber
Tucson AZ
Does anyone have a current rack list for the Salathe? Thanks
Trad climber
Conifer CO
If no lines are fixed you will nesd four ropes, if your fixin, maybe do free blast with 2 parties and each bring 2 ropes and fix, . I heard the lines were shot now as of last month and a bolt needed to be replaced also on the 3rd set of anchors. good luck and enjoy
Trad climber
Salt Lake City, UT
If rope are not fixed from Heart Ledges how many 60m ropes would I need to get the job done? Planning on an ascent in May.
Trad climber
Conifer CO
I was there last may and there was fixed lines allover the place, we came across 2 parties that have rapped from the summit all the way down,
As for the ear listen to Mark Hudon, i did and it was spot on. Don't bring any gear for the HF, your in there and not going anywhere, just make sure you get your haul line way out of the Hf before hauling. The ear is the SH*t so much fun and there is so many ledges in there to kick it. Mark is right there is a one more harder pitch of OW but nothing you can't squeeze threw. It;s a sweet climb. Oh the Block is not a good Bivi unless you like being that close to your buddy and sloping in an understatement. I loved it and have a fun and safe climb,the Head wall is AMAZING also.
Trad climber
Mountain View
There is a rappel line directly down from Hollow flake ledge. There is one bolt on the Spire but there is a good rap station in the Alcove. You can rappel with a 70m rope to the Hollow Flake ledge from the Alcove (many rappels and using the midway anchor on the Monster OW which may/may not have chains). It's much faster with 2x ropes. Be careful of getting your rope stuck on the last rappel to HF ledge.
From HF ledge it's about 5 or 6 rappels with double 50m ropes. I think after the first rappel do the base of the Hollow Flake all rappels are 40m or less. After the first rappel you you trend left (towards Bermuda?) and go over the Slack roof.
All rappel stations have good bolts and chains. The best setup is two 70m ropes so that you can skip the station below the Slack roof(go left towards bushes). The "midway" anchor below Slack is way left in a small corner and hard to get to (since you are dangling in space). There is a Fixe Chain + ring anchor that is easier to get to on the right but puts you on an older rappel route (manky pins + slings). The correct route has you hitting the ground near La Escula. If you want more details shoot me a pm.
Gym climber
berkeley, ca
I haven't tried it, but it looks like you can probably rap off to the left of the spire down Excalibur. The only ??? per the topo is how far it is from the spire to the first fixed anchor. A combo of BD and Excalibur might be done too. Generally, I think folks come down from the left side of the Slack. Bump to you.
Jim Smith
Trad climber
sunnyvale, ca
Last May, there was an accident on el cap spire. After the rescue, the SAR team retreated with 2 teams down an independent rap line. I think it was Bermuda Dunes.
Can anyone who has done this comment? Is there a way down directly from the spire that doesn't involve reversing the hollow flake?
Trad climber
Denver, CO
Oscar - the Ear, along with the Hollow Flake, were the two most memorable and challenging pitches for me on the Salathe. The Hollow Flake was easier, but waay waay run out. The Ear was an absolute grunt. Most of the pitch is easy - but then you get into the bowels of the Ear, and need to traverse roughly 30 feet straight horizontal. The Ear is a bombay chimney - meaning the bottom of the chimney opens up and is wider than the top. The climbing "style" I used to get through the Ear was to place a wide piece, lower down a bit so I could get out of the maw and turn my head and see what my next moves were, then get back into the maw and set the next piece of gear or slide the previous piece, and then repeat. Very strenuous and very memorable pitch. However, I don't believe it is a show stopper (route ending) pitch like the Hollow Flake can be.
The Salathe is a great route.
Mark Hudon
Trad climber
On the road.
It's more psychological than anything. Get up in there and sit a bit to let your eye become accustomed to the darkness. Face out and you'll find all sorts of little ledges to grab.
BTW, the route has much, much more stout 5.9 offwidths and chimneys than the Ear. if the Ear freaks you out then there isn't really much chance you'll get up the route.
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
I’m considering the Salathe Wall for this fall and I have heard a lot about how terrifying The Ear pitch is but nobody really says why it is that terrifying. Is it run out with fatal consequences in a fall, or it is just psychological?
Chris McNamara
SuperTopo staff member
I just got this correction to the topo:
In the big wall book, pitch 23 is incorrect. What you have deemed as the Teflon Corner, is actually the pin-filled aid line.
Are there fixed lines to Heart Ledges on El Cap right now? If so, are they in decent shape?
Thanks in advance,
Ben L
Chris McNamara
SuperTopo staff member
Here is the story of the first solo ascent by Peter Haan
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Paul Piana's 1989 AAJ article on the First Free Ascent
Trad climber
Anyone know if the Salathe is fixed to Heart right now?
Its October 7th
Trad climber
Anyone know if the Salathe is fixed to heart ledge? Condition of ropes?
Chris McNamara
SuperTopo staff member
Here is an article on the first free ascent of the Salathe Wall
Chris McNamara
SuperTopo staff member
There are some great Salathe photos by tom frost here
and a great photo trip report here
Chris McNamara
SuperTopo staff member
got this question from nanook. this pitch has the hardest route finding on the route. i did my best to describe in the book but i could do better:
On the pitch above the Block and below Sois le Toit, I did the 5.7 flakes and then went up a flakey c1 crack for 20 ft or so, to a fixed pin and old stopper. I could see chaulk on the face to the left but when I lowered down there it looked to be 5.10 face, so I went back up the crack to the fixed pin and stopper and then lowered left. I had to hand traverse a ledge and then mantle to reach some slings hanging down from an arrow. It looked like if I had continued above the fixed pin and stopper there was some more fixed gear and I could see a biner up there but there was a hard mantel move that I couldn't bust. So I ended up coming in low hooking on a couple loose flakes(probably 5.10) and then getting in the c1 crack. Did I go left too early? Too late? Is that mantle move real or did I miss something?
Chris McNamara
SuperTopo staff member
around april 20, the rope from mammoth ledges down to heart was pretty bad i hear. dont jug up from heart to mammoth till someone replaces it.
lizard fiasco
Trad climber
Berkeley, CA
As of May 2, 2008 all the fixed lines to Heart and Mammoth Terraces were in good condition, including the orange and blue ropes above Little John.
Clint Cummins
Trad climber
SF Bay area, CA
On March 17, 2008, there were lines fixed from the ground to Heart and on to the left side of Mammoth Terraces. They seemed to be mostly the same ropes that were in place in June 2007. The ropes were in good shape, except for the pitch above Little John, where the right hand rope is under tension and has a core shot on the upper anchor. Obviously you won't want to rappel on this one, but somebody should release the tension and tie out the core shot, in case somebody tries to ascend it without checking it from above.
Big Wall climber
Does anyone know if there are fixed ropes to heart ledges?
Trad climber
I'm heading up this coming Sunday - can someone tell me if it's currently fixed to Heart?
Trad climber
Portland, Or
The Salathe Wall.
I agree, the ear is the most horrid pitch on the Salathe. The half dollar was fun, the hollow flake was thrilling, the sewer pitch was a stinking slim fest. But the ear... The ear was just nasty.
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