9/03 additions/revisions to SuperTopo:
3 ea to 2"
2 ea 3"
1 ea 3.5 or 4"
4.5" is decadent
#00 TCU useful
Half a dozen LAs, mostly #2
No 1.5" sawed angle needed
Nuts: 2 ea through medium, 1 ea larger
1/4" bolt hangers/threaded nuts/wrench or
1/4" wingnuts w/ suitable hangers (Metolius/Petzl style)
Belay 3 is in alcove (90') or
150' to flat 6x6' ledge w/ 1 bolt or
200' to 4 belay
Belay 4 gets the drip from above.
P6 is 200'
P13 is 100'
The BAT hook on P8 is a sloper. Skip to the heads above.
Not many fixed pins - nearly all are decent. Fixed heads vary; the larger ones look good (we placed one). Bolts down low are mostly decent-looking 1/4", many have hangers - up higher there are more new 3/8" bolts.
Eagles Way is route number 31.Photo: Galen Rowell
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