Mountain climber
Davis Ca
Agreed the route is no longer runout. I used a .5 but .3-.4 would have been better for between bolts 1 and 2. Crux is the bulge, traverse right, straight up dike face moves. Decent climb. Extendable draws useful as the traverse is significant.
Trad climber
sacramento, ca
Good face climbing, not really that runout. 7 bolts, topo only shows 2 or 3. only need a couple small cams for a small roof. Only makes you think because there are dikes that apparently snapped off all over the route. Oh, and it's like 90-100 feet not 70.
Trad climber
The pitch of Bagalaar above you
Good route, modestly protected. A Green BD .75 is bomber under the rooflet, then steep moves up and left lead to a bolt 12 feet up. rnA good Variation is to move out and right under the roof, then up. Only TR'd this variation but harder Than the original route 5.10a?
Unknown is route BPhoto: Chris McNamara
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