Climbing Route Beta Postings

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Route and Formation Name Climbing Area Author Last Post
El Capitan - East Buttress 5.10b - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
East Buttress
El Capitan
Yosemite Valley, California USA budmiller May 15, 2010
Regular Northwest Face, Half Dome Yosemite Valley, California USA meclimber May 15, 2010
East Buttress, Middle Cathedral Yosemite Valley, California USA wessle May 11, 2010
Lurking Fear, El Capitan Yosemite Valley, California USA cmclean May 11, 2010
Lazy Bum, Sunnyside Bench Yosemite Valley, California USA Patrick Sawyer May 10, 2010
The White Room, Half Dome Yosemite Valley, California USA Chris McNamara May 10, 2010
Kali Yuga, Half Dome Yosemite Valley, California USA Chris McNamara May 10, 2010
Northeast Buttress, Higher Cathedral Yosemite Valley, California USA phile May 10, 2010
Kor-Beck, Middle Cathedral Yosemite Valley, California USA bergbryce May 10, 2010
La Cosita, Right, El Capitan Yosemite Valley, California USA Mason May 10, 2010
The Grack, Center, Glacier Point Apron Yosemite Valley, California USA sharon May 9, 2010
The Dark Tower, Kung Fu Theatre, Tunnel Wall Zion National Park, Utah, USA Haydn May 8, 2010
Made to be Broken, Carbuncle Buttress Zion National Park, Utah, USA Haydn May 8, 2010
East Buttress, Middle Cathedral Yosemite Valley, California USA Sonic May 6, 2010
The Grack, Left, Glacier Point Apron Yosemite Valley, California USA rhyang May 5, 2010
South Face, Mt. Watkins Yosemite Valley, California USA TeleK May 4, 2010
Royal Arches, Royal Arches Area Yosemite Valley, California USA sjellison May 4, 2010
The Nose, El Capitan Yosemite Valley, California USA sircamalot May 4, 2010
Direct North Buttress, Middle Cathedral Yosemite Valley, California USA Clint Cummins May 3, 2010
Royal Arches, Royal Arches Area Yosemite Valley, California USA leanesbitt May 2, 2010
East Buttress, Middle Cathedral Yosemite Valley, California USA Sonic Apr 29, 2010
Outer Limits, The Cookie Cliff Yosemite Valley, California USA Tork Apr 28, 2010
Skull Queen, Washington Column Yosemite Valley, California USA Ted Baker Apr 27, 2010
La Cosita, Right, El Capitan Yosemite Valley, California USA CalicoJack Apr 27, 2010
The Caverns, Five Open Books Yosemite Valley, California USA budmiller Apr 27, 2010
Astroman, Washington Column Yosemite Valley, California USA Mittens Apr 27, 2010
Route beta postings 2191 - 2220 of 6,544 total   << More recent   Prior 30 beta postings >> 
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