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Home >> About the Always Fresh program Saturday, February 22, 2025 

About the Always Fresh program

SuperTopo Guidebooks are Always Fresh™

What it is
The Always Fresh program means you will get free upgrades of eBook guidebooks for three years.

How you get it
It’s automatic when you buy one of our eBook format guidebooks; you don't need to do anything special. All purchasers of SuperTopo eBook format guidebooks from this web site are automatically enrolled in Always Fresh and are eligible for free upgrades for three years from the date of purchase.

How the program works
When we have a new upgrade, we will e-mail all purchasers of that guidebook within the previous three years to notify you of the new version. You will be provided a link to a sign-in page, and an Always Fresh upgrade password. Log in using your e-mail address and your Always Fresh password. You will then be able to download the new version of the guidebook.

Frequently asked questions

What if I have changed my e-mail address?
You must e-mail us if your e-mail address changes because we have no other way to contact you.

Does the Always Fresh program apply retroactively to purchases from last year?
Yes, all past customers will get free updates until three years after their purchase date.

Does Always Fresh apply to traditional printed guidebooks from SuperTopo?
No, only to purchases of eBook format guidebooks directly from this SuperTopo web site

How often does SuperTopo update the guidebooks?
We update the eBooks every 1-2 years. We update print books much less frequently.

What if I find a mistake or something missing from an existing guidebook?
Please send feedback or e-mail us! We love all feedback and especially love comments on how to make the guidebooks better.

What are the advantages of an eBook guidebook over a printed guidebook?
In an eBook, all topos and photos are provided in color. You can also print only the pages you need on the climb—no more tearing pages out of your guidebook or struggling to find a photocopy machine. Click here to read more about eBooks.

How else can I get updated route beta?
Before you climb a route, visit the Route Beta page to see the latest beta from SuperTopo users and staff. You can also sign up for “Beta Alerts” and be notified whenever a user or SuperTopo posts new beta for a given route. To sign up for beta alerts, search for the route you are interested in, go to that route’s page, and scroll to the bottom to “Notify me if beta is submitted on this route.”


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