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Home >> About our eBook format guidebooks Tuesday, March 11, 2025 

About PDF format eBooks
SuperTopo Downloadable “eBooks”

Our downloadable eBook SuperTopo guidebooks are distributed in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). We use PDF because Internet web browsers widely support it (Adobe claims that there are over 110 million installed web-browsers with support for PDF files) and because PDF allows us to deliver climbing topos in a format you can easily print.

Advantages of an eBook for a climbing topo:
All topos and photos are provided in color
You can print only the pages you need on the climb—no more tearing pages out of your guidebook and struggling to find a photocopy machine

You need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader version 3.0 or higher installed on your system to open a PDF file. If you do not already have Acrobat Reader installed on your system, you can obtain it free of charge from Adobe's web site: click here to get the Acrobat Reader.

Please keep in mind that our SuperTopos are copyrighted. You are not allowed to distribute our SuperTopos to others, but we will appreciate your helping in letting your climbing friends know about and our SuperTopo climbing guidebooks.

How eBooks are different than print books:
eBooks are in full color and print books are in black and white
eBooks have slightly less extensive introductory and appendix information
you pay no tax or shipping charges if you order an eBook from the SuperTopo web site

Email us if you have any questions about eBooks


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