You can search the SuperTopo database of climbing routes by route name (e.g. search for "the nose"), rating (e.g. try a search for "5.9"), destination name ("red rocks"), or formation ("el capitan"). For example, to find all the 5.8 routes, just search for "5.8". To find all the 5.8 routes in Yosemite, search for "5.8 yosemite".
Route Name |
Formation |
Climbing Area |
Review |
Fingerlock |
Sugarloaf, Sugarbun |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.10b |
Dirty Dog |
Sugarloaf, Sugarbun |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.10b |
Hyperspace |
Sugarloaf |
Sugarloaf, California, USA |
1 |
5.10b |
Turning Point |
Phantom Spires, Lost John |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.10b |
Knobelty |
Sugarloaf, West Buttress |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.10b |
Short Toe |
Sugarloaf, West Buttress |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.10b |
Desperado Roof Var. |
Phantom Spires, Upper Spire |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.10b |
The Bowling Ball |
Phantom Spires, The Blocks |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.10b |
Blue Note |
Phantom Spires, The Blocks |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.10b |