Big Wall climber
Lolo, MT
The Sloan book calls this route A4+. I went to solo this in 08. I humped all my crap to the base and bivied. Woke up in the morning and started hooking and rurping to the first roof. At this point I was about 30-35 feet off the ledge. I made one more move to look over the roof and it looked like another 30 feet or so to a shiny bolt on what looked like more hooking and rurps. I decided I didn't want to die and lowered off one rurp down cleaning as I went. I walked all of my crap back to the valley floor and started looking for a partner for a more sane route like lost in America. If this pitch was higher I may have committed, but looking at what could potentially be a 50-60 foot ledge fall I let my tiny shriveled balls get the best of me. Maybe I didn't see a rivet or something. I wouldn't go looking for an A3 experience here.
Trad climber
berkeley ca
sounds pretty spicy . fishing....
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