Good on 'im, whoever it was...
Trad climber
Las Vegas, NV
as of 1/11/10, the bolts that were so callously added to this route are no longer present, whoever removed them also patched the holes.
Am I reading this last post correctly? Someone has put a bolt on the second pitch for pro, not for an anchor? Groann.
Ben Townsend
We encountered three brand-new retrobolts (still with drill dust) when we did this on 12/13/10. Two at the first pitch anchor, one on the second pitch offwidth.
Pitch lengths seemed a bit off -- p.2 and p.3 were both about 150'.
Trad climber
Las Vegas, NV
I'll disagree with Josh on this one. At the grade, Group Therapy is fairly serious and sustained through the crux section for quite a ways- it's also runout, which may bother alot of folks.
If you're a 5.8 or better leader, this route will provide ample challenge and enjoyment, it's alot of fun. If you're a 5.7 leader, it may be a little spooky!
Big Wall climber
I'll have to go back and do it again.
I was rather frazzled. A couple days earlier I had a hold blow off on Geronimo and took a 15-20' head firster (first trad fall, core shot, etc.). So being 70' runout with your partner yelling "foot and a half" with nothing bigger than a #3 left, and no crack smaller than rattly fists kind of got to me.
I swear that I pulled up at least 3' after building an anchor in the Thank God constriction that appeared just as he said that.
Trad climber
Dude!! This route is super casual!!!
One of my all time favorite 5.7's in RR.
Take a #4 camalot and be a 5.7 leader...then it's no NBD.
Incidently the swain guide isn't that bad,you just have to know what you're doing....The first time I did Group therapy we were using the old swain book with no topo...a description was plenty to find this route!!
Big Wall climber
One screwed up route. I'll never do it again. We jumped on it with only the description from the Swain guide (I hate Todd Swain). The topo was on the next page (we only copied the tunnel vision page). My largest piece was a #4 Friend (~3.5 camalot). We did a couple of the pitches with only a single gear placement. Scared the crap out of me with my buddy had a big footslip on the chimney with no gear in. With some big cams (a couple #4's and a #5) the rotue would be pretty cool. Without them it's scary.
Vic Klotz
Big Wall climber
San Diego, CA
It suprises me that people queue up for Tunnel Vision when this route is so close by. Group Therapy offers the average climber long easy pitches without any of the awkwardness of Tunnel Vision. Last time I ventured onto this route, it went clean on cams and nuts with several good stances to belay (can't say I recall any bolted stations on this route, but that has probably changed-and we got by fine without them). Great route for those on their first 5.6 multi pitch lead, but they might want to bring something like a #4-5 Camelot for the roof. It may look imposing from below, but it is actually much easier than it looks with some classic chimney moves! After that it gets easier and a little runout, but nothing over 5.4. An old guidebook shows a 5.8 finish, but that is over-rated. In any event, you can jog to the side to get around it if you have to. Walk down the back to easy rapells.
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