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What Climbers Are Saying About SuperTopo

I have to say — these are the best topos I've ever seen! You have also done a great job with mixing the right amount of history/strategy in with the route. Best of luck with everything. — Scott Gilpin

Chris it was the best $ ever spent on climbing gear, I wish I had this 20 yrs ago on half dome and the nose of El Cap....10 days in ca. is not enough. First on the list for next yr cathedral peak.— Keith

Your topos kick ass! I love that you can download them and print them out yourself as needed. The level of detail is great. I also dig all the historical information. I hope to see more areas outside of Yosemite done by SuperTopos, too. Thanks for the great topos/guidebook. — Jamie Grier

I just want to congratulate you all at SuperTopo for creating one of the most useful resources ever! Not only does the content rock, the design and layout of the web site and PDFs is exemplary. I have been looking for a resource like this for years... it's got everything you could want and more!

SuperTopos RULE! I have enjoyed reading both Yosemite Ultra Classics and Yosemite Big Walls. The descriptions and history for each of the routes are extremely informative. The topos are very detailed and accurately portray the routes. A+ in my book. I'm looking forward to reading The Road to the Nose and The Road to Astroman.” — Keith Milutinovic

“ I like the packs [Yo Classics and Road to the Nose] that I bought. I actually used the topo for After Seven/After Six on Sunday. It was right on the money. One thing I like about the eBook is that I can put a few of the pages in my pocket and I am good to go, no book to carry. When I was on the third pitch I was a little off route. All I needed to do was take the topo out of my pocket and get back on route. ” Paul

The topos really are super — the best I've used. The amount of information (history, approach/descent, color photos, etc.) far surpasses the standard, and the topos themselves are detailed and accurate (at least the Cathedral Peak topo I used yesterday). It is easy to see how much care you and your team have invested in the project. Being able to download PDF is key because I can print and reprint single pages as needed. And the price is great.”Edward K. Boyda

I used your topo of Fairview Dome, regular route, last Saturday. I am not a very solid 5.9 leader yet, and have never done such a long 5.9 route before. Certainly having your detailed topo along reduced my anxiety level quite a bit. The weather was beautiful, we were the first climbers on the route that day, and had a great climb.Dave

“The SuperTopo pack I purchased Yosemite Ultra Classics was excellent, and it was definitely all that I expected. It is by far better than other route maps I have seen of those climbs; extremely accurate and helpful. I am an intermediate climber, limited by other commitments that prevent me from taking my climbing to the next level, but there is nothing I enjoy more than going to the valley and challenging myself on beautiful routes. For instance, the Royal Arches route is one of my favorites — challenging by its size (to someone who doesn't have the opportunity to climb that often) but technically not that difficult, and made hundreds of times better by its location in paradise. What I appreciate so much about your description of that route is that it imparts an excellent feeling of exactly what the climb entails, applicable to climbers of all skill levels. All too often guidebooks do not impart any feeling upon the climb, they serve only with a difficulty rating and a sparse sketch of the route. As such, you could start out on a climb and you do not know whether you can finish it in an hour or get strung out in a situation you are completely unprepared for. This is not the case with your guide.John Wiemann

“I like the approach that SuperTopo has taken. I know too much information takes some of the adventure out of climbing. However, knowing whether I can retreat if I get in over my head, and being more confident that I will be able to find the start of the climb and stay on route, enables leaders in this 5.6 to 5.9 range to try climbs that otherwise might be too uncertain or risky, as we gain experience. Typical guide books have to include too many routes to be able to provide this level of information. Stephen Atkins

“A BIG thanks to you for the guides. They are excellent and I got all I need to attempt some of the routes in just a few days. I fear to suggest anything because your guides are already better than any other on Yosemite. I am happy with what I've got: large, up-to-date topos with just enough beta on gear and route to do it without huge surprises. Keep up the great job!Rafael Haroutunian

No way could I have climbed in Yosemite this past weekend without your guides. By comparing your's with the book I was able to identify the possibilities for the weekend. I found the gear recommendations extremely helpful.” Bill Cossaboom

“Your site is great and it's very obvious that it took a lot of work to put together. I definitely was not disappointed. The topos themselves are packed with great beta....more than one could ever find in even the best guidebook. The photos with each route highlighted is also a great feature that is very much appreciated. Another thing that I like is the amount of info you get for 10 bucks. Guidebooks are great but they really don't have thorough information for a given route. So, your topo packages have a much better beta to dollar ratio than a classic guidebook. In my opinion there isn't much you could do to improve them. Brian

“I was really happy to see that the quality of your "Road to the Nose" supertopo remains consistently awesome throughout! I really can't see how you could improve it. Really. I bought the guide as a gift for a friend who will be in Yosemite in September. "Road to the Nose" will help him learn where he's at, and ensure that he has a fantastic time doing so!Ian

“It's great to hear from the famous author! I just got back from the valley and did several routes in Yosemite Ultra Classics, including Snake Dike, the Nutcracker, Central Pillar, Triple-Direct Wall and some others. The topos were extremely helpful and descriptive. Distributing them via them web as pdf's is even better — I can just print out what I want or need and not worry about making copies or my guide book getting completely trashed.Stefan

“ I like the packs (Yo Classics and Road to the Nose) that I bought. I actually use the topo for After Seven/After Six on Sunday. It was right on the money. One thing I like about the eBook is that I can put a few of the pages in my pocket and I am good to go, no book to carry. When I was on the third pitch I was a little off route. All I needed to do was take the topo out of my pocket and get back on route.Paul

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